Making Connections
Year 7 Connection Evening | Year 12 Information Night
Families are the primary educators of their children and so it was with great enthusiasm that we welcomed the families of our Year 7 and Year 12 students to the Tullow Centre last week. The evenings were marked by a strong, positive sense of community.
Our Year 7 families met their daughter’s House Leader and Pastoral Care teacher, to discuss how students have settled into their secondary education at Kildare and answer any questions. We were so pleased to have so many families join us and begin to build a relationship with our staff. The Pastoral Care teacher plays an integral role in students’ lives at Kildare and we value working in partnership with our families.
The next evening, our Year 12 families joined us, as their daughters begin their final year at Kildare. Communication between families and the College is key to a successful year. The Practice Manager of Developing Minds Psychology, Clinical Psychologist, Kirrilie Smout, joined us, making some salient points about approaches to parenting these emerging adults. Kirrilie will be returning to Kildare throughout the year to provide workshops to our Class of 2023.
We’re looking forward to sustained period of connections and productivity for our Year 7 and Year 12 students as Term 1 reveals itself.
Angelica Paussa and Greg Larwood
Middle Years Coordinator and Senior Years Coordinator

Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes. Shrove Tuesday is an important day in the life of the Church as it prepares us for Lent, the 40 days leading up to Jesus’ death. Traditionally, people would use up all the butter, eggs and milk and make pancakes before they needed to fast for the Lenten season. Luckily for us we still observe this tradition today and what a day it was. Students enjoyed eating the yummy pancakes with their year level and money raised will be donated to Project Compassion.
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday morning we began Lent with a whole College Ash Wednesday Liturgy. It was a reverent time where we were able to reflect on our mistakes and seek forgiveness, while making a promise to change our hearts to become a better person. Students were invited to receive ashes or a blessing to signify this important day in the Church and liturgical calendar.
Bianca Bruno
Liturgy Coordinator

Clubs Expo!
Excitement filled the air at our recent Clubs Expo!
Research shows that students who engage in activities and opportunities beyond the classroom are happier, more engaged and achieve better academically.
Held in the Plaza, students, and dedicated staff, gathered to promote clubs and activities for all year levels. Some opportunities include; Baking Club, Coding Club, Drama Club, Orchid Club, Living Justice | Living Peace, Environmental Group and many more. It was wonderful to see our new Years 7 and 8 students join in the activities, and sign up to various initiatives. We look forward to seeing our students flourish and discover new passions, as they take the opportunity to try something different during 2023.
Enrico Caprioli
Director of Pastoral Care