SeussicalTM Jr Production
What a journey! SeussicalTM Jr is now over! Our Kildare production of SeussicalTM Jr was one of colour, nostalgia and imagination.
We congratulate the entire production team for bringing our musical together for our students, local primary schools, staff and families.
The cast has been working incredibly hard during rehearsals and it has been an absolute joy to witness their growth and development over the course of the year.
Musicals demand a gamut of performance skills and allow students to develop their singing, dancing, acting, sense of timing as well as enriching their experiences and building relationships with their peers.
SeussicalTM Jr is a joy to experience, transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus where ultimately, the powers of friendship, loyalty, family and community are challenged and emerge triumphant!
A show like this can only come together with the wonderful work of many people. We would like to acknowledge and thank all who have made this show come to life. We are very proud of our performers and thank those who supported them and saw their talents shine!
Rebecca Mason

Living Justice | Living Peace and our Environmental Group
Students from the Kildare Living Justice Group had the privilege to participate in a public forum, organised by Vinnies, on child poverty in South Australia.
Our students were lucky enough to open the forum through acknowledging country and providing some background on the issues that would be presented. Guest speakers at the forum included Helen Connolly (SA Commissioner for Children and Young People), Professor Gerry Redmond (College of Business, Government and Law, Flinders University), Meredith Edwards (Former Principal of a Category 2 school of disadvantage) and Kelly Bunyon (Principal of Compass Catholic Community). Students were able to ask questions of these experts in a Q and A panel and learn about what they can do to help as young people. Overall, the forum was an excellent opportunity to network with others who care about social justice in our community and was an eye-opening experience for everyone involved.
The Environmental Group have been focussing their efforts on learning about conservation in Australia. Along with the Enlight Group here at the College, students were invited to participate in a wonderful opportunity to work with ecologist David Paton.
Students travelled to Frahn’s Farm, which is a unique 550 hectare property near Monarto and managed by BioR. With David, the students banded and fed woodland birds native to the area. Bird banding involves fitting bands with unique numbers onto the legs of wild birds. Once banded, the lives of individual birds can be tracked through time. BioR are using this technique to determine how birds are using revegetated woodland habitat. Students were also introduced to BioR’s seed orchard where native grasses are being cultivated for the purpose of generating seed for revegetation projects. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about some of the damage that has been caused by land clearance, but also develop understanding about different strategies that may be employed to reverse this damage.
After this, we headed to Monarto Zoo where students went on a tour of the park, discovering how the park is creating ‘insurance populations’ of animals, ensuring that threatened species do not become extinct.
Linda Dolling
Living Justice | Living Peace Coordinator

Community Cook Up
Student agency and voice is at the centre of all that we do in the Middle Years at Kildare. During our meeting with our Middle Years Student Leaders last term, the students were invited to offer their ideas around possible initiatives that they would like to facilitate at our College. Within a matter of mere minutes, our inaugural Kildare College Community Cook Up was born, as our Student Leaders excitedly displayed their kind generosity of spirit. Our Middle Years Student Leaders are born humanitarians, as all their initiatives centred around acts of service within the community.
Our inaugural Kildare Community Cook Up Day was a beautiful, wholesome and fun day spent together cooking and dancing to Christmas carols! Our Middle Years Student Leaders cooked enough pasta bakes to feed 100+ people and also baked 136 banana choc chip muffins to donate to Fred’s Van. Later in the afternoon, Fred’s Van arrived at the College to collect the food for the dinner service that night. Our Student Leaders assisted them in packing the car, as they were provided insight into the significant impact of their act of service, in that the food we had whole-heartedly cooked was going to feed the most vulnerable and marginalised members of our society.
They say it’s the little things in life that make you smile, and this was certainly the case when one of our Year 7 students sweetly shared while cooking, “I really hope they like it, this might be one of the nicest meals they eat before Christmas.” That’s what it’s all about – teaching our students that a little love, care for others and compassion goes a very long way and that as good stewards of St Brigid and Kildare Ministries, we continue to be people for people.
Angelica Paussa
Middle Years Coordinator