Tina Neate | Principal
Welcome to Term 3 and we hope that you had a chance to rest and enjoy the break with your beautiful families.
This term we have many incredible events and activities to look forward to, starting with our Year 12 Retreat this week. I had the opportunity to visit the students and share a meal with the students at the retreat on Tuesday and it was wonderful seeing the students connecting, laughing and reflecting with each other. It was a great way to start the term for the Year 12 students before they commit to their final term of studies!
What’s been happening during the holidays at Kildare?
Over the holidays, there has been a lot of activity around the College. We sincerely thank our staff who worked during the holidays to keep us going and to ensure that our College is looking its best always.
The Front Office Area has been given a facelift. The brickwork has been replaced with plasterboard and freshly painted for a more contemporary look. We are also currently updating all of the Graduation photos, College Captains’ Board + introducing a Principals’ Board so that we continue the Kildare story and appreciate and understand our history. It should all be finished in the next few weeks.
New House Banners were designed and placed in the gym during the holidays – they look fantastic. Please see below.
New Staff to Kildare
This week we welcomed the following new staff members to Kildare:
Matt White – ICT Support Officer
We are delighted to welcome Matt to Kildare as our new ICT Support Officer. Matt comes with a variety of experiences with his most recent job as the ICT and ERP Support Officer at the Southern Design Group organisation. Congratulations to Matt.
Emma Morrow – Specialist Maths Teacher
Emma comes to Kildare with considerable experience teaching Mathematics at all year levels. Emma comes from New South Wales and has taught in several Catholic schools in NSW and moved to Adelaide 2 years ago. In Adelaide, she has taught at the Adelaide International School and Specialised Assistance School for Youth (SASY). Emma has a Master of Educational Studies in Mathematics from the University of Newcastle. We are excited to welcome Emma to Kildare.
Jessica Kane – PE Teacher
We welcome back Jessica to Kildare after having a baby earlier this year. Jessica replaces Darren Rice for the rest of the year whilst he is on long service leave.
Kildare Ministries Leaders’ Retreat 2022 – Lake Mungo Immersion
Next week Enrico Caprioli and I will be attending the Kildare Ministries Leaders’ Retreat 2022 from Tuesday, 2 August to Friday, 5 August 2022. This is an incredible opportunity to connect with the land and also our Kildare Ministries colleagues. I look forward to sharing what we learnt during this time in the coming weeks.
College Events
Finally, we are pleased to let you know about a number of upcoming events at Kildare College that you, your families and friends are warmly invited to attend.
- College Tours
- Tullow Centre Tours
- Madonna King – A guide for parents and staff of teenage girls that explores what our girls need us to know in order to support them through the unprecedented pressures of growing up in today’s world. This is catered for families and staff of girls in Years 7 – 12. All family and friends are very welcome to attend.
Please click on the link Kildare College Holden Hill | Events & Bookings which will take you to the College website to register your attendance.
We sincerely thank you for your support, especially as the Covid cases increase again.
Many blessings always
Tina Neate
Project Based Learning (PBL) – Activate Program
“To succeed in this ever-changing world, students need to be able to think like entrepreneurs: resourceful, flexible, creative, and global.” Professor Yong Zao, Foundation Distinguished Professor, University of Kansas.
Entrepreneurial learning develops the skills needed to meet the global challenges of the twenty-first century; preparing students to work in a dynamic, rapidly changing global environment. Kildare College is committed to preparing our students for this through Activate; a program facilitated in partnership with Future Anything in Year 9 PBL.
Activate provides agency to students by allowing them to learn in the role of an entrepreneur, by pitching an innovative, scalable, and sustainable Social Enterprise that makes the world a better place around a problem they are passionate about solving. Through this, students develop themselves across six key Future Capabilities:
- Problem-solving
- Communication
- Innovation
- Adaptive mindset
- Collaboration
- Critical thinking.
These future capabilities are all transferrable to other subjects and life beyond the Kildare College gates, allowing students to live and work successfully in the twenty-first century.
Julia Groutsch, Nicholas Kellett-Southby and Rebecca Sarvas
Future Innovation Coach
Vinnies Winter Appeal
Before the Covid pandemic, over 130,000 people in South Australia were living below the poverty line. Unfortunately, with job losses, increasing inflation and health impacts, this figure has been rising. Many South Australians are choosing between shelter and food, and charities who offer support services are struggling to meet the increase in demand.
This year, ‘Compassion; walking with and having empathy for all’ is our central Core Value at the College. Compassion is about breaking down barriers and taking action to help those in need. With this in mind, and in support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal, Living Justice | Living Peace sought donations of non-perishable food items from our families, students, and staff. The response from our community was incredibly heart-warming and many people gave generously. Our Houses competed for the most donations (well-done Nagle for collecting 126 donations) and our ESO staff lined the halls of the admin building! Well over 500 donations were collected!
The Living Justice | Living Peace Group would like to thank everyone who participated for their incredible generosity.
We are so grateful to be a part of such a compassionate family here at Kildare.
Linda Dolling and the Living Justice | Living Peace Group