Who Do You Say I Am? Year 12 Retreat
The Year 12 Retreat was a powerful way for our Year 12 students to re-engage with each other at this time of the year.
While on the retreat, students had an opportunity to enter into a time of self-discovery through an understanding of themselves. Students spent time unpacking their stories in an attempt to clearly articulate events and experiences that have shaped them. Through these stories, students were able to be affirmed for the person they are, and this opportunity set the tone for the Year 12 group to feel connected with each other and united as a year level. We made sure that we continually celebrated who we are.
It was also an opportunity to reflect on the person of Jesus and the significance he has had in our lives. For many in our world, a faith in God is what helps give meaning to people’s lives. In unpacking some stories of Jesus, students were able to reflect on how their lives are shaped by the significance of Jesus to them and our world, but also how a faith in their God impacts on their life.
Joining us on our second night was Dr Tabitha Healey who helped students to identify what matters most to them, and what obstacles and challenges may be in their way, and work out avenues for how to get around them as they journey through life.
We thank especially Vanessa McFarlane, an old scholar of the College for being with us on this Retreat. It was an absolute pleasure working with her and it is always life-giving listening to past students reflect on the significance that Kildare had on their lives. Our Year 12 students very much appreciated her guidance and input.
The Retreat was a huge success due to the willingness of the Year 12 students to enter into it, with open minds and open hearts. It really was a privilege to have journeyed with them, and we thank them for the opportunity they gave themselves and each other to grow.
Enrico Caprioli

An Update from the Humanities Team
The Honourable Judge Johnson – Year 10 Business Innovation
As part of their final unit, the Kildare Year 10 Business Innovation students got a taste of the legal world in-front of the formidable and fearless Judge Johnson. The students welcomed the challenge of representing many “guilty” clients and tried (and succeeded) to persuade Judge Johnson to reduce the sentence for their clients. Students had to use clear legal arguments, reference legal concepts, and use a persuasive tone to convince Judge Johnson. Well done Year 10 Business Innovators – justice was clearly served.
Welcome to Shark Tank – Business Innovation SACE Stage 1
During the Semester One exam week, the Year 11 Business Innovation students, working collaboratively, pitched their new business products to a panel of tough and knowledgeable investors. This panel featured the expertise of Emma Ward, Patrick Johnson and Jayrod Hill. The Year 11 students worked together to locate and find, and then solve, complex and dynamic customer problems. The pitches involved a variety of different pitch techniques including setting the scene, humour, tone, teamwork, and powerful discussion, and they all did a stellar job in discussing and selling their product. Overall, the students should all be credited for their innovative products, their persuasive pitches, and their clear understanding of business concepts in the ever-changing modern business world.
Catherine James and the Humanities Team
Business Innovation and Legal Studies Teacher

World Chocolate Day
Did you know that World Chocolate Day is celebrated all over the world on 7 July every year? It allows chocolate lovers around the world to indulge in their favourite treat. It is a fact that most people love chocolate and that about 1 billion people eat chocolate every day. There are some health benefits of chocolate, especially when eaten in moderation. Dark chocolate is a source of antioxidants and can also help boost people’s mood.
At Kildare, World Chocolate Day was celebrated in a variety of ways.
- The P and F Committee hosted a chocolate raffle which included prizes including 10kg of Dairy Milk Chocolate, 4.5kg Toblerone and a giant jar of Nutella. Three very happy winners went home with a generous supply of chocolates. What a way to end the term. Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. We raised just over $1200.
- The Adelaide Chocolate School donated a jar of chocolates for students to guess how many were in the jar. We had another happy winner of this prize
- Students were able to design a new wrapper for a chocolate bar as part of the lunch time activities in the Resource Centre. The winning designs won…chocolate.
Thank you to everyone who supported the World Chocolate Day events and activities.