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Term 1, Week 10

This blog features: Celebrating Easter | Cafe Culture | Year 8 Retreats | Outdoor Education Kayaking

Holy Week is the most important time of the year in the Christian calendar, as we reflect and remember Jesus’ final days on this earth. 

We have celebrated and commemorated these events in different ways this week, with some being a focus in Prayer during Pastoral Care classes, as well as coming together for our Whole College Stations of the Cross Liturgy. 

On Monday, students were invited to think about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, while Tuesday’s focus was on Jesus teaching his disciples about servant leadership in The Washing of the Feet. On Wednesday, students listened to a recount of The Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane. 

Our Stations of the Cross Liturgy was a solemn reflection of Jesus’ final hours before his death. Each station was accompanied by a modern-day song clip with reflective questions so that students could try and find meaning for themselves. 

We are a proud multi-faith community at Kildare College, and passionate about celebrating in a way that meets each student where they are, whether they are Christian, come from a different religious background or have no faith at all. 

We wish you and your families a very Happy Easter.

Last week in the new Year 10 subject of Cafe Culture, students learnt how to make a variety of coffees using commercial machines. Learning to make coffee was a fun and rewarding experience as students developed skills in measuring, timing, patience and customer service.

Coffee making may seem a simple task, but it requires a range of skills and knowledge with milk temperature and texturing as well as the coarseness of coffee grinding to get the perfect cup. Not only this, but due to current trends in the Food and Hospitality industry students needed to practice and learn how different milk and coffee types varied in the making process. After training and practising, students opened their mini Cafe Culture cafe in the afternoon, making coffee orders for our College staff. Students were given excellent feedback on their Cappuccinos, Iced Lattes, Hot Chocolates, Dirty Chais and more. The class did an outstanding job with the demands of the day.

The 2023 Year 8 Retreat was centred on the Gospel story of The Road to Emmaus. It was a day of building connections, opening hearts and minds to people and surroundings, and recognising that God’s love is right in front of us, especially in times of need.

Year 8 students ventured to Thorndon Park, working in teams to take on an ‘Amazing Race’ where they were challenged by physical activities, memory games, and a race against the clock. After a brief recess to refuel, students were led by staff on a mindful walk around the stunning grounds of Thorndon Park, opening their eyes and ears to nature. At the close of the walk, students gathered as a group to engage with Luke 24:13-49. 

Students participated in discussions about the themes of the Scripture, drawing strong connections to the Kildare Ministries Core Value of Courage. With reference to the actions and openness of the two men and the loving patience and guidance of Jesus, students were reminded that their courage and integrity presents itself through opening up, challenging themselves, connecting with others, and speaking the truth even in times of great emotion. 

The day closed with a beautiful meditation that gave students the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, the Scriptures, and the reminder to live out the Core Value of Courage – Speaking and Acting with Integrity.The response from students was positive, and a sense of excitement closed out the day as the winners of the Amazing Race were celebrated.

Students from the Year 11 and Year 9 Outdoor Education classes participated in an exciting kayaking excursion at Garden Island, Port Adelaide. The excursion gave the students an opportunity to engage in outdoor activities and learn valuable skills. The day started with a brief introduction to kayaking, including safety procedures and paddling techniques. Experienced instructors provided the students with the necessary guidance and supervision to ensure everyone was comfortable and confident in the water. The Year 9 class learnt the basics skills of kayaking whereas the Year 11 class extended their knowledge and understanding from Year 9.

Once everyone was familiar with the basics of kayaking, the groups set off to explore the stunning coastline of Garden Island. As they paddled through the crystal-clear waters, the students had the opportunity to observe dolphins, plants and various species of birds. The instructors also provided valuable information about the ecosystem, the importance of preserving it and had some interesting facts about the Indigenous people of the area.

The Kayaking excursion was not only a fun and memorable experience for the students but also a great opportunity to develop valuable life skills. Kayaking requires teamwork, communication and physical endurance, all of which are essential qualities for success in any field.

Overall, the kayaking excursion at Garden Island was a huge success, and the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Both the Year 9 and Year 11 classes will now be busy preparing for their hiking camps in Term 2.