Recently we celebrated the remarkable journey of our 2023 Graduates which allowed us to reflect upon their years of perseverance, dedication, and growth. Throughout their time at Kildare, the graduates of 2023 have not only excelled academically but have also enriched our community with their diverse talents, vibrant spirits and ability to live out our core values.
We were thrilled with the outstanding Year 12 results of our Graduating Class of 2023:
- 100% SACE Completion
- An impressive 91.8% of our students achieved grades in the A and B grade bands, surpassing the Catholic Schools’ average of 80.7%
- 21% of our students attaining an ATAR of 90 and above
Congratulations to our Dux, Zahra Mosey who achieved a University Entrance Score of 99.70 and a Subject Merit in Legal Studies. Mia Ferraretto was the Proxime Accessit, who achieved a University Entrance Score of 98.75 and a Subject Merit in Creative Arts. We also celebrated the news that Suki Downing received the Adelaide University Principals’ Scholarship.
We also extend our congratulations to the students who have demonstrated exemplary academic performance, commitment to learning and determination to succeed. Our Academic awards are presented to students who achieve excellent results across most of their subjects whilst the Endeavour awards acknowledge students who have been recognised for their consistent effort and positive attitude towards learning. Congratulations to all our recipients!
Raymond Kropinski
Director of Teaching and Learning

Shrove Tuesday
On Tuesday we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes at recess time. Our Living Justice | Living Peace Leaders served pancakes while students gathered in the Plaza, sharing in the yummy treat with their friends. All money raised will be donated to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion Appeal.
Shrove Tuesday is an important day in the life of the Church as it prepares us for Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. Traditionally, Christians would use up all the butter, eggs and milk in their house, and make pancakes before they needed to fast for the Lenten season. Luckily for us we still observe this tradition today.
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday morning we welcomed the Season of Lent with Ash Wednesday Liturgies in Pastoral Care classrooms. There was a uniqueness and sacredness that contributed to gathering in smaller groups, providing students and staff with an opportunity to reflect on their actions and choices, and the effects these have on others. As a Catholic College Community, we received ashes on our foreheads as a visible symbol of seeking forgiveness for the times we hinder relationships close to us, and as a commitment to open our hearts to change and transformation to become better people. Traditionally during Lent, Christians spend more time in reflection and contemplation, committing themselves to prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
Bianca Bruno
Liturgy and Retreats Coordinator / Chaplain

As dusk approached on Friday 8 February, our Years 11 and 12 students began to excitedly filter into the Adelaide Convention Centre for the 2024 Senior Formal. What previously was an empty room began to fill with a combination of unabated energy and nervous anticipation.
College Captains, Paige and Rose, welcomed all to our function and we settled into a fine three course meal.
At Kildare, we value providing our students with the opportunity to mix, connect and relax in a context outside of the classroom. It was genuinely heartening to see new friendships initiated and existing ones consolidated.
A feature of the evening was the ever crowded dance floor, barely an empty spot. It was also terrific that student leaders took it upon themselves to jolly along students who were in their seats to join in, a real celebration of our Kildare spirit and unity.
The lasting impression of the Senior Formal, will be that it was a genuinely happy night, with a strong spirit of connection on show, an ideal platform for a successful 2024.
Greg Larwood
Senior Years Coordinator