Year 10 Retreat – Body, Mind and Spirit
The Year 10 students spent a lovely day at Henley Surf Life Saving Club for their Retreat. It was a great opportunity for time away from school, and to relax in a different environment, while reflecting on the person they have become.
The Year 10 Retreat theme, Body, Mind and Spirit, enabled students to reflect on God’s place in their life journey, and give thanks for those who are always with them in challenging and joyful times.
Though the weather inhibited our beach activity, the sun did shine for a short time for us to venture out for a walk. The day was came to an end with a lovely thanksgiving liturgy prepared by the students.
It was a memorable day. The students laughed, joked, and shared with others. They were great ambassadors for our College and it was fantastic to see their enthusiasm for the spirit of the retreat.
Enrico Caprioli

World Staff Day
Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Though the world celebrated World Teacher’s Day on Friday 28 October, Kildare College has chosen to acknowledge all staff who work in our College and celebrate World Staff Day on Friday 4 November.
Our 2023 Prefects were tasked with a mission to ask students what the staff at Kildare mean to them. Some of the responses included, “The staff make me feel safe and supported…included and valued… that I can do anything and that I belong”.
Education truly is a powerful tool, and that’s why it’s so important to celebrate staff who work in schools. Our staff play such an important role in making Kildare the special place it is by looking after our facilities, keeping it clean, answering questions, working in administration, facilitating learning, spreading knowledge and pushing students to be curious and be the best they can be. All in an attempt to help create lifelong learners and positive citizens of our world. We are truly privileged to have an influence in young people’s lives.
Enrico Caprioli

Wear Pink and Wear it Proud!
On Friday staff and students dressed in PINK to raise funds for breast and ovarian cancer research.
The day was supported by the P & F Committee who organised pink fairy floss to be sold, to bolster our fundraising efforts. This was enjoyed by lots of students who delighted in a sugar-filled recess.
Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). Survival rates continue to improve in Australia with 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis. Each year in Australia about 1500 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, so every little bit of financial support does make a difference.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the fundraiser and to those who contributed with donations. Your support has been greatly appreciated.
We will update you with the total amount raised as soon as we can.
Michelle Camilleri
Deputy Principal