In a captivating performance at The Arts Theatre, the timeless tale of ‘Annie JR.’ unfolded with enchanting grace. The young cast, adorned in 1930s New York City attire, brought the beloved characters to life with remarkable talent and infectious energy.
From the spirited Annie to the lovable Sandy, each character was portrayed with authenticity, and the ensemble cast delivered standout performances. The musical brilliance of iconic songs like ‘Tomorrow’ and ‘It’s a Hard Knock Life’ resonated throughout the theatre, leaving the audience tapping their toes and humming along.
As the emotional crescendo of the story unfolded, laughter, tears, and a profound sense of connection filled the air. ‘Annie JR.’ was a celebration of community, talent, and the enduring power of hope. The magic of live theatre left a lasting mark on hearts, reminding us all that, even in challenging times, there’s always a ‘Tomorrow’ filled with endless possibilities.
It has been an absolute pleasure working with our talented students and bringing this beautiful show to life! Thank you to everyone involved in making this show the amazing production that it was.
Did you know bowling can be used as a metaphor for life?
Our Year 9 and Year 10 students, spent an afternoon at Salisbury Bowland connecting with one another, having fun and learning how the popular sport and pastime can have relevance to our lives. In lieu of a traditional style retreat, the afternoon provided opportunities for the girls to contemplate that each day is set in frames, just as a ten-pin bowling game is. Our attitude discerns how different situations, experiences and opportunities within a day are interpreted and internalised. Some moments are strikes, and are successful, other moments resemble the ball travelling down the gutter and are a wipe out.
Some students utilised the feature of ‘bumper bowling’ and they could see how this helps us bounce back from what life throws at us, just as it helps keep the ball rolling down the alley in an effort to hit more pins. Ultimately, after each frame, the pins reset, and we get new chances everyday to alter the outcome of our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and actions each day. This is a life lesson that we are all still learning but an important one to keep at the forefront of our minds especially when we experience setbacks and are faced with challenges and uncertainty.
It is clear that our students embody our Kildare Ministries Core Values, as we received very positive feedback from staff about how well they represented the College. In light of continuous improvement, our Retreat Program is currently in a process of transition as we find new ways to engage our students in meaningful and relational experiences that allow them the time and space to develop and nurture their personal and spiritual growth. Watch this space in 2024!
This year the Year 9 STEM students have participated in the SUBS in Schools Technology ChallengeTM and have designed and built remotely operated underwater submarines. Throughout this project students employed design, engineering and manufacturing processes as they investigated buoyancy, learnt how to solder, created and 3D printed propeller designs, with the additional complexities of underwater design, coding and electronics. Students also developed their problem solving, team work, project management and collaboration skills.
The students had the opportunity to go to Norwood Pool to test their submarines around a track, to determine how well they were able to preform. Students tested variables such as the submarines’ speed, ability to go straight and change direction. The overall winners with the fastest time were Lola, Summer and Maurina from 9C. Well done girls!